Clip Monte
Author/Originator: Frank Garcia
Product ID: e53
PDF Price: $4.00
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A favorite of the man with the "Million Dollar Hands," the late Frank Garcia, Clip Monte is a highly commercial and entertaining Three Card Monte effect that grows more perplexing with each repetition. In our streamlined routine, the spectator continually guesses wrong as he tries to follow a black Ace as it is mixed with one or two red Queens. The effect culminates with the seemingly impossible transposition of the paper-clipped Ace into one of the Queens and back again! The magical purist will enjoy this routine, since there are no gimmicked cards or other gaffs. Nor are no difficult moves to worry about. Gambling-theme effects are more popular than ever and this is one you'll be able to do anytime, anyplace - even with borrowed items! Our photo-illustrated instructions walk you step-by-step through the handling. 6 pages.
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