The Pocket Compass
Author/Originator: Compiled and edited by
Product ID: e941
PDF Price: $4.00
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Four excellent close-up versions of the popular "Chinese" Compass Trick. Contrary to popular belief, the effect where a line, arrow or other design, drawn or printed on a card, appears to repeatedly change direction in an uncanny manner, is not just for kid shows. In fact, Bev Bergeron considered his version using just a plain piece of cardstock and a marker, one of the strongest effects in his trade show repertoire. In this compilation, we give you Bergeron's handling along with equally workable variations by Messrs. Morgan, Elias and Lyons. All four can be performed right under the spectators' noses and the "compass" card makes a great giveaway item! 12 pages, illustrated.
Also available...our Business Card Miracles Plus Bundle and I've Got Your Number.
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