Chess Knights Tour

Chess Knight's Tour

Author/Originator: Bernard Zufall/
Product ID: e237

PDF Price: $4.00
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Chess Knight's TourA sensational, feature mental feat for any program! On stage, the audience sees a blackboard or large pad on an easel, divided into 64 numbered squares that represent a chess board. A helper from the audience now blindfolds you and you stand to one side of the board, facing away. Anyone from the audience selects a starting number and from that square, you call off 63 consecutive "moves" for a knight that land on each square once, and only once - successfully completing the Chess Knight's Tour! You tear off your blindfold and take a well-deserved bow. Every movement and takeoff point of the tour is clearly marked with chalk by your assistant from the audience. With the Chess Knight's Tour from, you can now perform this remarkable feat without any memory work whatsoever. Everything is explained, even how to make up a "sealed vision" type blindfold using borrowed business cards. 13 pages, illustrated with ready-to-print artwork.

Also see...How to Do Miracle Memory Feats.

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