Nelson's Century Midnight Ghost Show
Author/Originator: Robert Nelson
Product ID: e779
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In this booklet, you get the complete script for Nelson's Century Midnight Ghost Show. Here's the original description: "This show we now offer will give approximately one hour and ten minutes of real, thrilling entertainment. It is a real, solid piece of nourishing entertainment. Divided into three parts, the show moves along at a thrilling pace, surprise after surprise. Opening the show, various phases of spiritualism are demonstrated, the reading of sealed billets, trance version, clairvoyance, thought transference, spirit slates and messages, levitation and other manifestations in full light—the original spine-chilling ghost story as told by our Alla Rageh places the audience in a receptive mood for the second section of the show, which includes rope ties, various manifestations of an entranced medium, lots of good comedy, table lifting, supporting members of the audience. Tricks and pranks for mischievous ghosts, on and off stage . . . while the third section is devoted to real thrills and chills—ghosts, skeletons, phantom faces, goblins and the like, on the stage, and in and over the audience—clutching hands, sound effects and a sensational finale!" 15 pages with cover, re-typeset.
For the technical aspects of putting on a ghost show, we strongly recommend our publication, "Staging a Professional SpookShow," which includes Nelson's famous "Ghost Book of Dark Secrets," Bill Larsen's "A Spook Show In Your Parlor," and selected spirit rope ties by Burling Hull. Plus, a NEWLY UPDATED section (in 2021) of suppliers and resources for the DIY spook show magician!
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