The Canar Poker Deal

The Canar Poker Deal

Author/Originator: Harry Canar
Product ID: e321

PDF Price: $4.00
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This Poker Deal was one of Harry Canar's best kept secrets. From a shuffled and cut deck, you deal out four poker hands of five cards each. The first hand gets four tens and a jack, the second gets a full house with jacks over queens, the third hand also has a full house with kings over queens, and the fourth hand (yours) gets four aces with a king - the winning hand out of four "bet the house" strong hands. After shuffling and cutting the deck again, you proceed to deal out four Royal Flushes, followed by four straights. Finally, you spell the cards into four piles of four cards each, retaining the fifth pile for yourself. Hand one contains the four tens, two the four jacks, three the four queens, and four the four kings. You've kept the four aces for yourself! The deal is automatic. No skill is required. Requires only a minute with any deck. 5 pages.

Also available...Mickey MacDougall's Perfect Poker Deal and the Beats All Poker Deal.

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