By Mind Alone
Author/Originator: Eddie Joseph
Product ID: e819
PDF Price: $4.00
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Eddie Joseph's "By Mind Alone" is a mental card feat with a borrowed, shuffled deck that is sure to astound your audiences. Here's the effect: You and a spectator each mentally select a card and note its position in the deck. At this point, there is no way for you to know the card the spectator is thinking of, or its location. To further complicate matters, both your selection and his are then buried by a cut. With both cards hopelessly lost, you now seemingly draw upon your extraordinary mental powers and discern the exact location of each card. But get this, you do so while your back is turned and you cannot see the face of a single card! Oh yeah, we left something out...the spectator has been handling the deck the whole time. Impossible? You bet! Difficult to do? Not a bit. In fact, the effect is completely self working. Download the 4-page instructional manuscript and you'll be performing this Joseph mental card gem in no time.
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