Business Card Miracles IV
Author/Originator: Compiled and edited by Trickshop.com
Product ID: e829
PDF Price: $5.00
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In our latest release, we bring you seven more self-promoting magic and mentalism effects you can perform with your business cards! All are easy to do. 18 pages with illustrations and ready-to-print artwork.
MY NAME’S MINE - A beautifully constructed Gerald Kosky gem! A business card with your signature magically changes places with one signed by a spectator while the card is in his hands! This is one you will immediately add to your close-up set.
CARLYLE’S CARD (The Francis Carlyle Business Card Move) - You remove a blank business card from its case, showing that the printer messed up, and it's blank on both sides. You try passing the card through your closed fist, but it still emerges blank. Then, on the final pass through your fist, printing appears on the card, as if by magic. You can also use this move to change a blank playing card into someone's selection.
THE MISSING DIGIT - A mental magic classic where you are able to reveal the digit a spectator conceals from a multi-digit string of numbers generated after a simple math problem. We give you two ways to do the math, including an excellent but lesser known approach. We also explain how to make the effect 100% foolproof!
TWO TOGETHER - A Paul Curry stunner that's also easy to do! A spectator fairly shuffles any deck and then deals it into two piles. You think of a card from one half and he thinks of a card from the other. You both write down the name of the cards you are thinking of on a business card; yours on one side, his on the other. Now without any false moves, you assemble the two halves (one half face down and one half face up) and draw off the top and bottom cards in pairs until you reach the spectator's card. When this happens, the spectator turns over the business card and looks at the name of the card you wrote down, then he turns over the card his is paired with - as impossible as it seems, they match!
I.O.U. BILL IN CIGARETTE - A spectator copies down the serial number from a borrowed bill on your business card before it vanishes and reappears inside a borrowed cigarette. A stand-up classic. We give you the standard handling that includes a business card switch.
ESP-ABILITY - You draw a different ESP symbol on the front of each of five business cards and turn them over. These are well mixed. A spectator now guesses which card he thinks has which symbol, and each time his choice is marked on the back. When all of the cards are turned over, the spectator's ESP abilities are shown to be perfect!
OUT TO LUNCH (The Vest Pocket Hindu Rope Trick) - OTL is not only one of the best-selling pocket tricks of all time, it also introduced an entirely new principle to magic and mentalism. That's why, we are delighted to bring you the trick that started it all - the original "Out to Lunch" - complete with instructions, patter, and ready-to-print artwork you can use to make up your own sets of this fun trick.
Also see our first Business Card Miracles and Business Card Miracles II, and Business Card Miracles III.
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