Burling Hull - Volta Giant ESP Thought Projection

Volta's Giant ESP Thought Projection

Author/Originator: Burling Hull
Product ID: e606

PDF Price: $4.00
(or just $2.80 when you buy 3 or more titles)


Four different spectators each freely select one of 25 different symbol cards showing common everyday objects. Spectators mentally project the design they are holding and the mentalist reveals them one by one in a way that progressively builds dramatic effectiveness until the final revelation! No gimmicks, duplicates or marked cards. We supply Hull's original handling, presentation and patter with additional new ready-to-print artwork for both stage (3" x 5" Index Card size) and close-up (Business Card size) presentations. 24 pages.

Also available from Trickshop.com...Hardell's Superior Perception and The Zenner Effect.

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