Grant's Brilliant Card Magic
Author/Originator: Robert J. Smith/UF Grant
Product ID: e37
PDF Price: $4.00
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This rare mansucript by Robert J. Smith contains over 50 Feats of Masterful Card Magic from U.F. Grant. For pure impact, novel ideas and clever methods, these can't be beat and none require any sleights! Contents include three subtle methods of controlling selected cards instead of the pass, three non-sleight forces; as well as such features as...
- Card Stabbing
- Card in Smoke
- 30 Card Trick
- Card & Plates
- Color Change
- Torn Card
- Card Thru Door
- and many more!
As a special bonus, we've also included the mental card effects from Grant's Fabulous Feats of Mental Magic! Re-typeset, 36 pages.
NOTE: This title is also included in The U.F. Grant File that puts over two dozen sought-after Grant pamphlets and manuscripts at your fingertips.
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