Brain Control
Author/Originator: S.W. Reilly
Product ID: e645
PDF Price: $4.00
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Be a Memory Expert!
Imagine walking out on stage with the current edition of any popular magazine and then, tearing out the pages and handing them to spectators throughout the audience. Now, as each spectator calls out their page number, you describe in vivid detail exactly what is on the page they hold...headlines, pictures, ads, even cartoons! And that's just one of the impressive feats explained in Reilly's "Brain Control." You'll also discover how to rapidly commit to memory up to 100 new words, names, places, etc. Items you'll be able to instantly recall backward, forward, or at random, to the amazement of all! Plus, there are even special techniques to remember random numbers, names, birthdays, telephone numbers, and more! 22 pages, re-typeset.
Also see Nelson's Super-Mentality.
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