Serial Deception
Author/Originator: Various
Product ID: e389
PDF Price: $5.00
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Whether working impromptu or on stage or platform, the ability to divine the serial number on a borrowed bill or banknote is one of the most devastating feats in the entire realm of mentalism. And yet, there is relatively little information on this important topic in magical literature. That’s why, we are pleased to bring you a collection of some of the most deceptive bill reading methods ever developed from such legends as Dr. E.G. Ervin, Bob Nelson, Eric Mason, Ed Mellon, U.F. Grant and Ted Annemann. Over a half dozen methods in all. Plus, all are direct and 100% practical. We've purposely omitted methods that call for overly complex preparation, multiple bills with consecutive serial numbers, etc. So if you’re interested in adding this devastating mentalism effect to your own repertoire; we’re confident you'll find a method that suits your style of performance in these pages. 19 pages.
Also now available, the complete, photo-illustrated instructions for Ed Mellon's Son of a Switch, two versions. The basic close-up handling is explained in Serial Deception.
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