The Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust

The Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust

Author/Originator: David Hoy
Product ID: e845

PDF Price: $4.00
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Many of the brilliant mentalism effects that made David Hoy famous are in this noteworthy 1963 booklet. Material includes: The Tossed Out Deck; The Bold Book Test; Pocket Book Miracle; his clever Billet/Dollar Bill Switcher; and more. Ten items in all, plus a brief bio, Hoy's 10-point "bold approach" to mentalism and entertaining modern audiences, as well as publicity photos. Great material, plus just a fun read! 27 big pages, re-typeset, illustrated.

Also available...David Hoy's ESP College Lecture (4 MP3 Audio Files).

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