Blue Ribbon Card Tricks
Author/Originator: Sam Berland
Product ID: e784
PDF Price: $4.00
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Twenty five clever card effects, moves and sleights by Sam Berland, Bob Hummer, Arthur Buckley, and others. This material, first published in 1942, ranges from nearly self-working card tricks to more advanced effects and sleights - all clearly explained with over 100 Thomas Libonati illustrations. Plus, as a special bonus, we've included Bob Hummer's The Whispering Spirit, which was published by Berland in 1941. 38 pages, new typesetting and layout, well illustrated.
- Five Card Baffle (Hummer)
- One Hand Visible Card Change (Berland)
- In the Hat (Dr. Daugherty)
- Surprise Card Thru Case (Buckley)
- Graphite Match Box Daub (Hummer)
- Where Do I Stop? (Berland)
- As a Card Force
- Escape of the Jack (Hummer)
- One of the Fifty-Two (Hummer)
- Stab in the Pack (Berland)
- Stab in the Pack, second method
- Fingertip Card Reading (Berland)
- A Sealed Mystery (Berland)
- Gambler’s One Hand Poker Deal (Berland)
- Intelligent Aces (Buckley)
- Mismated Cards (Berland)
- Informing Envelope (Tarbell)
- Reversed Prophecy (Berland)
- Cards Go Straight (Berland)
- Spectator’s Selection (Buckley)
- Buckley’s Red and Black Shuffle
- Double Color Change (Berland)
- Improved Diagonal Palm Shift (Jack Hecht)
- Rising Card...Again (Berland)
- Scrambled Egg and Card (Berland)
- BONUS EFFECT: The Whispering Spirit (Hummer)
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