Beats All Poker Deal
Author/Originator: Stuart Robson
Product ID: e487
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Best Poker Deal EVER? Quite possibly! Some great poker deals have been developed over the years; however almost all have one major drawback - they utilize a pre-arranged pack that requires a set number of hands be dealt. In addition, in many cases, the spectators' hands are "played" with the performer's "help" as to what cards are kept or discarded. The Beats All Poker Deal, a dealer manuscript first released in 1945, is different.
Consider these key points:
- From a shuffled deck, you deal out ANY number of Poker Hands as called by spectators (two, three, four, five or six).
- The spectators DECIDE which hand YOU get.
- The spectators PLAY the remaining hands and each person has complete freedom to stand pat or draw any number of cards, up to five - replacing every card in their hand if they so choose, or they may even fold.
- After all of the players are done, you discard and draw for your own hand. Then, after some friendly mock wagering, you show you hold the WINNING hand - usually FOUR ACES!
- The Beats All Poker Deal looks like incredible skill, yet it's actually EASY TO DO!
- Finally, you end COMPLETELY CLEAN! So let them grab the deck afterward and examine every card...there's nothing to find.
If you use this method just once, we're confident you'll ALWAYS use it. A true reputation builder. No difficult sleights, gimmicks, special or extra cards. We supply Robson's rare and long out of print manuscript, completely re-typeset; which will enable you to master one of the most impressive poker demonstrations ever developed in minutes. 3 pages.
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