Band-It Card
Author/Originator: Hen Fetsch
Product ID: e13
PDF Price: $4.00
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Hen Fetsch's "Band-It Card" is a terrific visual card quickie that's also easy to do! From a shuffled pack of cards, a card is freely selected (and signed or initialed if desired). The card is then returned to the pack which is cut several times by the spectator and finally shuffled. The pack is firmly encircled with one or more rubber bands - and then the miracle happens! The spectator names his selected card and you place the pack behind your back or cover your hands with a handkerchief for an instant. When the spectator views the deck a moment later, the bottom card has vanished and in its place (in the still encircled pack) is the named card. The bands are removed and all cards placed in the spectator's hand who verifies the card as his initialed or signed selection. In addition to the original Band-It Card handling, you also get several variations including one where the signed card escapes completely from the tightly banded deck. In addition to the Band-It Card, the 5-page, illustrated instructions also explain how to make the very clever and effective Click Locator Card that you can use with other card tricks. Laymen love visual card magic, don't miss this one!
Also available...Harry Faber's Miracle Card Change - also with a deck secured with a rubber band.
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