Al Baker's Exclusive $25 Manuscript
Author/Originator: Al Baker
Product ID: e370
PDF Price: $4.00
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One of the most sought-after magic manuscripts ever produced, "Al Baker's Exclusive Twenty Five Dollar Manuscript" includes nine of the legendary magicians closely held secrets, including his billet handling method used for an array of mentalism effects. Material includes Baker's Billet Reading Extraordinary which allows you to immediately hand out the first billet after "reading" it, his two person "Slate Test" (no slate required, you can use an ungimmicked pad or dry erase board instead), Baker's super subtle deck switch (this one is different than the other one of his which is more widely known), his Living and Dead Test, Baker's own special deck he used for multiple selections and revelations, and more! Plus, we've made this material more readable and accessible than ever before by completely re-typesetting it and cleaning up many of the run-on sentences and punctuation errors that appeared in this early, self-published work. 19 pages.
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