Anverdi Lecture Series
Author/Originator: Tony Anverdi
Product ID: e545
PDF Price: $3.00
(or just $2.10 when you buy 3 or more titles)
While Dutch magician, Tony Anverdi, is best remembered for his highly collectable electronic effects, he also applied his inventive genius to the realm of manipulative magic. And so, following his "Clown Act" performance at the 1961 FISM in Switzerland, he created two lecture booklets over the next two years ahead of his 1964 lecture at FISM in Barcelona, Spain. What sets Anverdi's lecture notes apart from so many others are over 200 easy-to-follow Kemner illustrations that literally walk you through the handling for each effect - appearances, disappearances, transpositions, color changes, and more. A small solid ring materializes on a silk handkerchief or it melts through a rope or silk, a ball materializes at the fingertips only to vanish moments later after it is placed in a clear tumbler and covered with a silk, a silk placed in a solid tumbler is visually pulled through the bottom (and no, it's not a bottomless glass). These are just a few of the startling visual miracles with silks, rings, balls, ropes, and thimbles that Anverdi shares. What's more, there are no knuckle-busting sleights to toil over since Anverdi's effects rely primarily on bold methods, simple gimmicks, and misdirection. In this release from Trickshop.com, we've combined both sought-after Anverdi lecture booklets into a single, convenient 56-page PDF booklet with high resolution scans that have been optimized to limit the file size to just 7.5 MB. In addition, image captions have been translated into English. To audiences, these effects look like real magic!
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