Alexander Crystal Gazing

Alexander Crystal Gazing and Mind Reading Manuscripts

Author/Originator: Alexander (Claude Alexander Conlin)
Product ID: e536

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Dr Q MysteriesHe was "The Man Who Knows!" In this release from, we are delighted to bring you several of Alexander's most sought-after manuscripts. Marketed as part of his Dr. "Q" Mysteries, they detail the inner working of Alexander's own Crystal Gazing Act (three methods, two use merely cards and envelopes, or folded billets), as well as other feature effects he performed to packed houses, including Thought Projection, The Master Secret of the Swami, and the Want Ad Test. You are sure to marvel at just how bold and direct were the methods employed by one of the most famous and successful mystics of the last century. You'll also discover how he used information gathered in one part of his show to set up a truly unfathomable mystery in next. In addition, we've included two full page Sphinx magazine advertisements Alexander used to market his Crystal Gazing and Thought Projection Acts, as well as The Master Secret of the Swami. 20 pages, all manuscripts are completely reset in large, easy-to-read type.

For more Dr. "Q" Mysteries, see Alexander's book, "The Life and Mysteries of the Celebrated Dr. Q." Please note, the Want Ad Test appears in the above release as well as in the Dr. "Q" book.

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