Aldini's Lecture Notes
Author/Originator: Aldini (Alex Weiner)
Product ID: e824
PDF Price: $3.00
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We're pleased to bring you these notes from Aldini's 1970 lecture. They include tips and twists covering a range of standard effects and props for kid and club shows, as well as a section on card magic. Highlights include his handling for the Silk Thru Glass (no thread required), a beautiful Cigarette Vanish taught to him by Sam Berman where the full cigarette is seen prior to the vanish, Cane to Wand using a standard Vanishing Cane (Aldini's long-time kid show opener), The Singapore Force gimmick, a nifty Wild Card move (for the standard routine), a Professor's Nightmare handling tip, a single-deck Premonition (requires a gaff deck), and The Corporal of the Guard where two freely selected cards are found by a Jack, and more. 14 pages with several illustrations.
Also available from Trickshop.com...Rough Stuff (by Aldini and Joe Berg) and other Magicians' Lecture Notes we publish.
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