Masterclass Volume 1
Author/Originator: Various
Product ID: e881
PDF Price: $12.64
While Magicseen Magazine does not publish a huge number of tricks, they do like to think that the ones that do make the cut in their Masterclass section are worthy of your attention. Volume 1, first published in 2009, contains every Masterclass from the first four years the magazine was published. It includes magic and mentalism from such names as Max Maven, Boris Wild, David Stone, Aldo Colombini, Wayne Dobson, Jay Sankey, Mathieu Bich, Marc Paul, Trevor Lewis, Joshua Jay, and so many more - 61 effects in all! Whether you are into close up, mentalism, or children’s magic, you'll find a nice selection of quality material to choose from. 114 total pages, including cover, well illustrated. European A4 format (choose "Fit" under Page Sizing and Handling when printing from Adobe Acrobat).
- Fluke - Wayne Dobson
- Moorea Straw - David Stone
- The Turner Deck Production - Lawrence Turner
- Totally Triumph - Joshua Jay
- Prize Winner - Mark Leveridge
- Topit Without A Topit - Alexander Allen
- FU/FD Mix - Aldo Colombini
- Great Minds Think Alike - Richard Blackie
- Healing Hands - Harry Lucas
- 3 Card Selection - David Siracusa
- Hocus Pocus - Paul Gordon
- Cap In Bottle - Rey Ben
- The Happy Birthday Trick - Trevor Duffy
- Stung Cards Outdone - Wolfgang Riebe
- Missing A Nail - Ben Highway
- Extra Sensitive - Wolfgang Moser
- Symbolero - Max Maven
- GLS Vanish - Lawrence Turner
- The Stone Drop - David Stone
- Colour Pom Poms - Richard Ballinger
- Reverse You-Do-As-I-Do - Jack Stephens
- The Amazing Stiff Rope - Magic Dave
- Anybody For Nuts - Colin Underwood
- Locked - Wayne Dobson
- Invisible Coins - Henning Koehlert
- Invisible Coins (stage version) - Harry Reeve
- The Yes No Book - John Breeds
- Anagramatic Mind - Kevin Gallagher
- A Unique Gimmick - Alexandre Romanini
- Colossal Card Memory - Sean Taylor
- Right Or Left - Andrély
- Swap In Hand - Seiji Otta
- The Yin And The Yan - Antonio Romero
- Tivoli’s Bill Switch - Arthur Tivoli
- The Haunted Bank Note - Cyril Harvey
- Strike It Lucky - Richard Blackie
- Double Personality II - Boris Wild
- Dreamer’s Choice - Aldo Colombini
- Grandma’s Purse - SeanTaylor
- Your Lucky Number - Chris Wardle
- The Erdnase Story - Woody Aragon
- It Takes Guts Damn It Vanishing Deck - John Hotowka
- Linking Rope Rings - Trevor Lewis
- Check Mate - Mathieu Bich
- ESP 3-Way - Ian Thomson
- Right Between The Eyes - Rafael Benatar
- Wife Swapping - Tim Ellis
- Cheers - Camilo
- Assembley - Jozsef Kovacs
- Dollars And Sense- Jay Sankey
- The Anytime, Anywhere On Anybody
- Drawing Duplication - Marc Paul
- The ‘Squeeze’ Ring Off Cord - Mark Leveridge
- Fry Them With Oil - And Water
- Frozen Rodent - Max Maven
- Rocket Card - David Stone
- Coins And Card - Joachim Solberg
- Surprise Prediction - Wolfgang Riebe
- CO/MB - Jay Sankey
- Sample - Roman Feli - ‘Romi’
- Vase of Flowers - Mike Stokes
- Create A Duck - Mike Stokes
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