202 Methods of Forcing
Author/Originator: Ted Annemann
Product ID: e83
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There are few principles more integral to the performance of both magic and mentalism than Forcing. And it is safe to say that no other work on the subject has surpassed the legendary Ted Annemann's classic compilation, "202 Methods of Forcing," first published in the early 30's. Between its covers, you'll discover a wealth of techniques and methods for forcing cards, numbers, dates, colors, names, pages for book tests, and much more - making it an indispensable resource for any wonder worker. Remarkably, aside from a few dated references, the vast majority of the material here is as practical and workable today as when the book first went to print. In this new, top quality edition from Trickshop.com, we've made this important reference work even easier to read and study with larger, easier-to-read type and more generous line spacing. 46 pages.
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