15 Exciting Minutes with a Borrowed Deck
Author/Originator: Eddie Joseph
Product ID: e807
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When Eddie Joseph first released this routine in 1949, he stated in his Introduction: "In presenting my latest routine with a BORROWED deck, I have the full confidence that you will be able to upset the mental equilibrium of many a spectator unless, of course, the people before whom you appear are different from the rest of the world. The routine comprises FIVE different effects, each able to stand out on its own merit. When combined, you will confuse the sharpest mind, the logical reason being that you appear to be doing the same thing over and over again, but you vary your secret procedure with each repetition. All sleights have been eliminated and even if one had not done a single card trick before, he will still be able to bewilder and earn the reputation of a highly-skilled card worker. The tricks are so designed that at no stage do you appear to be taking any active part – your spectators do all the work for you. This routine is suitable for CLOSE-UP demonstration at a table with spectators on either side of you. To get the UTMOST out of it, be sure to use a BORROWED deck." 17 pages, re-typeset.
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